Thursday, March 19, 2009

There All Part of The List (Blog 5: Child List)

1. Honesty
2. Health Awareness
3. Temperament
4. Benevolence
5. Respect
6. Intellect
7. Passion
8. Reliability
9. Originality
10. Religion

Honesty is defined as the quality or fact of being honest, truthfulness, sincerity, and frankness. It goes hand in hand with gaining people's trust. The more people trust you the father you can get in life. Honesty is trait that will follow you wherever you go.
Health Awareness is defined as having knowledge of the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor. It is a must to be appreciated in society. There are so many obese people in America. Statistics show that many obese and over weight people have harder lives, a difficult time being respected, and are often depressed. I don't want my children going through life feeling like that.
Temperament is defined as the disposition, personality, and character of a individual. It is a synonym for individuality. I want my children to be leaders and individual. Never just part of the crowd. The one that leads the crowd.
Benevolence is defined as desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness. I want my children to be sincere, compassion filled people. I want them to give to those that are less fortunate and not expect anything back from it. I want them to be genuinely pure and kind at heart.
Respect is defined as to show regard or consideration for; proper acceptance or courtesy; the condition of being esteemed or honored. I want my children to be respectful or authority and to have respect for themselves and others. I witness on a daily disrespect from children to their parents, from children to elders, and from students to teachers. Respect is a valued quality in people to me and when you are a disrespectful person people will treat you with no respect.
Intellect is defined as the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands, as distinguished from that by which one feels and that by which one wills; the understanding; the faculty of thinking and acquiring knowledge. I never want my children to be regarded as ignorant, or stupid. The more intellectual you are the more people respect you. I want my children to never feel pitied or disregarded because they lacked intellect.
Passion is defined as any powerful or compelling emotion, strong amorous feeling or desire. I want my children to be passionate and determined about what ever they want to do. I want them to always give 110% because that is the only way that you will accomplish what you want without getting lost along the way. Passion for what you do or choose to love is the only way to achieve your desires.
Reliability is defined as the state or quality of being relied on, dependable, accurate, and honest. I want my children to be the kind of people that everyone knows they can depend on. I want them to be the type of people that people reach out to in times of gratification and need.
Originality is defined as the ability to think or express oneself in an independent and individual manner; creative ability. I want my children to stand out from the crowds. I don't ever want them to just be another face among the masses. I want them to be nonconformist and live how they want to not how someone tells them they should. I want them to be creative, and unique.
Religion is the most important thing I want to teach my child because it is a fundamental set of beliefs and practices that a person adheres to. Religion is so important in times of despair it can be the only guiding light. I want my children to have hope and faith in God and his undying, unconditional love that he has for them. I want my children to know that regardless of how bad thing may be they always have somewhere to turn. Also that regardless of how wonderful things may be that it can always be taken away if you don't have a sense of humility.

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